
The narrow roads throughout much of Malta preclude mail trucks that would be making frequent stops.

Bombed during World War II, the theater was not rebuilt, but renovated to an open air performance space.

These salt flats have been handed down many generations. Salt is harvested twice a year.

Malta's fishing boats have a unique, distinctive style.

Built by the the Order of St. John in early 1600 to bring water from across the island to the new city of Valletta

Much of the aqueduct remains and passes through some of the urban areas of Malta

Several species of dwarfed animals continue to be discovered at the Ghar Dalam on Malta. They became extinct approximately 10,000 years ago.

Part of the St. Paul's - St. Augustine's catacombs complex. Near Rabat, Malta

Malta played a pivotal role in WW II. Intercepting German supply ships to N. Africa and planning Operation Husky, the invasion of Italy.

In a matter of weeks, miners using only pick axes and shovels carved out corridors and work spaces under the fortifications built centuries earlier.